Dine On The Ave

Dine On The Ave

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Sculpture Tour

Sculptures On The Ave

Just A Taste

“Just a Taste” – Nestled in the 600 block near the Downtown Clock and in front of the Celebrate Food mural this piece will ignite the imagination and spark conversations.

Art has a magical ability to capture moments of emotion and connection, freezing them in time for all to experience. The sculpture “Just a Taste” by Seward Johnson does just that, presenting a delightful and playful encounter between a mischievous boy and an irritated girl. This charming masterpiece, immortalized in bronze, evokes feelings of nostalgia and reminds us of the simple pleasures of childhood.

“Just a Taste” – A Sweet Moment of Innocence

“Just a Taste” portrays a timeless and whimsical moment that many can relate to – the playful act of stealing a bite of someone’s ice cream. The sculpture depicts a young child reaching over and taking a taste of ice cream from the cone held by a slightly exasperated young girl. The girl’s reaction, a mix of surprise and mild irritation, adds a humorous touch to the scene, making it instantly endearing.

The Sculpture’s Design

Created in bronze, “Just a Taste” stands at life-sized proportions, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the mischievous encounter. The detailed textures of the children’s clothing, the child’s mischievous grin, and the girl’s raised eyebrow all contribute to the sculpture’s playful narrative.

A Glimpse into Innocence and Friendship

“Just a Taste” goes beyond being a simple act of mischief. It captures the innocence and spontaneity of childhood, reminding us of the carefree moments that shape our lives. The playful interaction between the children reflects the bonds of friendship and the joy found in shared experiences, even if it involves a bit of good-natured teasing.

As viewers encounter “Just a Taste,” they are transported back to their own childhood memories, recalling moments of laughter, camaraderie, and the enchantment of the simplest joys.

The Impact on Art and Society

Seward Johnson’s “Just a Taste” has garnered adoration from art enthusiasts and the general public alike. Its relatable and heartwarming narrative resonates with people from all walks of life, evoking feelings of nostalgia and eliciting smiles from those who encounter it.

Installed in public spaces, the sculpture serves as a gathering point for both locals and visitors, sparking conversations and encouraging connections. As onlookers share their interpretations and personal experiences related to the scene, “Just a Taste” fosters a sense of community through shared memories and sentiments.

Seward Johnson’s “Just a Taste” is a delightful and heartwarming celebration of childhood innocence and friendship. Through this enchanting sculpture, Johnson captures a moment of playful interaction that transcends time and brings joy to all who encounter it. “Just a Taste” stands as a testament to the enduring power of art in evoking emotions, sparking memories, and forging connections across generations.

Seward Johnson, Just a Taste, ©1981 The Seward Johnson Atelier, Inc.

Seward Johnson was born in New Jersey, and following the auspicious clipping of a newspaper ad for a beginner’s sculpture class, became well-known worldwide for his figurative sculptures. Spurred to strengthen communities through his artwork, Seward built an international community of artists with the Johnson Atelier, which continues to weave his sculpture into the fabric of everyday life through music, dance, poetry, food, and all the things Seward loved.

It’s easy sometimes to forget the simple things that give us pleasure. If we open our eyes, life is marvelous.

– Seward Johnson