Dine On The Ave

Dine On The Ave

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Sculpture Tour

Sculptures On The Ave

Stormy Weather

“Stormy Weather” – A breathtaking piece that will find its home in the 700 block, right in front of the Post Office.

In the world of art, sculpture has a unique way of capturing the essence of human emotions and experiences. Seward Johnson’s sculpture, “Stormy Weather,” does just that by depicting a captivating scene of a woman caught in the midst of a tempestuous storm. This evocative masterpiece showcases the raw power of nature and the resilience of the human spirit as the woman gracefully navigates the turbulent winds with her umbrella.

“Stormy Weather” – An Artistic Dance with Nature

The sculpture “Stormy Weather” stands as a poetic portrayal of a woman bravely confronting the forces of nature. Caught in the midst of a storm, she clutches her umbrella tightly as the wind forcefully tugs at her clothes and hair. The woman’s expression embodies a mix of determination and vulnerability, reflecting the courage required to face life’s storms head-on.

The Sculpture’s Design

“Stormy Weather” is a life-sized bronze sculpture that commands attention with its stunning realism and emotional depth. The intricate details in the woman’s windblown hair, flowing dress, and resolute stance contribute to the sculpture’s compelling narrative. The umbrella, held firmly in her hand, becomes both a symbol of protection and a metaphor for the strength we find in facing adversity.

Symbolizing Resilience and Perseverance

Beyond its aesthetic beauty, “Stormy Weather” symbolizes the indomitable human spirit when faced with life’s challenges. The sculpture resonates with viewers as they reflect on their own experiences of weathering storms, both metaphorical and literal. It serves as a reminder that we are capable of standing tall and facing adversity with grace and strength, even in the face of turbulent circumstances.

The sculpture also invites contemplation of the human-nature relationship, underscoring our interconnectedness with the natural world. It elicits a sense of humility in the face of the immense power of nature and encourages a deeper appreciation for the environment that sustains us.

Impact on Art and Society

“Stormy Weather” has had a profound impact on art enthusiasts and the general public alike. As a prominent installation in public spaces, it provides a unique opportunity for contemplation and introspection. Viewers are drawn to the emotional resonance of the sculpture, finding solace and inspiration in the woman’s tenacity amidst the storm.

Moreover, “Stormy Weather” serves as a conversation starter on topics like resilience, adaptability, and human-nature relationships. The sculpture encourages individuals to share their own stories of overcoming challenges and finding strength within themselves.

Seward Johnson’s “Stormy Weather” is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Through this captivating sculpture, Johnson invites us to explore the interplay between humanity and nature and to find courage in navigating life’s storms with grace and determination. As “Stormy Weather” continues to touch the hearts of viewers, it stands as a poignant reminder of the strength and beauty that can be found even in the most turbulent times.


Seward Johnson, Stormy Weather, ©1985 The Seward Johnson Atelier, Inc.

Seward Johnson was born in New Jersey, and following the auspicious clipping of a newspaper ad for a beginner’s sculpture class, became well-known worldwide for his figurative sculptures. Spurred to strengthen communities through his artwork, Seward built an international community of artists with the Johnson Atelier, which continues to weave his sculpture into the fabric of everyday life through music, dance, poetry, food, and all the things Seward loved.

It’s easy sometimes to forget the simple things that give us pleasure. If we open our eyes, life is marvelous.

– Seward Johnson