Dine On The Ave

Dine On The Ave

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Sculpture Tour

Sculptures On The Ave

Yuck, Go Fetch

“Yuck, Go Fetch” – Located at the Landis Marketplace Building, this sculpture promises to add a touch of whimsy and playfulness to the town’s artistic landscape.

Art has an enchanting ability to capture moments of everyday life and transform them into captivating narratives. “Yuck, Go Fetch!” by Seward Johnson does just that by presenting a playful and endearing scene between a young man and his canine companion. This delightful sculpture encapsulates the joys of human-animal interactions, reminding us of the unpredictable and heartwarming moments that define our relationships with our furry friends.

“Yuck, Go Fetch!” – A Playful Encounter

“Yuck, Go Fetch!” is a captivating bronze sculpture that brings to life the interaction between a young man and his four-legged companion. The scene captures the young man after throwing a frisbee, an act that usually prompts enthusiastic obedience from his loyal canine friend. However, in this playful moment, the dog appears to be looking up at his human companion, seemingly indifferent to the command to fetch.

The Sculpture’s Design

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, “Yuck, Go Fetch!” stands life-sized, ensuring that viewers can fully immerse themselves in the heartwarming scene. The expression on the face of the young man and the dog conveys a sense of joy and humor, while the frisbee adds a dynamic touch to the composition.

Celebrating Unconditional Love and Playfulness

Beyond its artistic brilliance, “Yuck, Go Fetch!” celebrates the unbreakable bond between humans and their canine friends. The sculpture captures the essence of the relationship’s playfulness, demonstrating that sometimes it is the unpredictable moments that make our connections with animals so special.

The scene also serves as a reminder of the unconditional love and companionship that dogs offer. It showcases the innate joy dogs derive from spending time with their human companions, regardless of the specific activity they engage in together.

A Reflection of Life’s Simplicity

In a world often filled with complexities and challenges, “Yuck, Go Fetch!” offers a refreshing glimpse into life’s simple pleasures. The sculpture prompts viewers to reminisce about their own experiences with their pets, recalling moments of laughter, fun, and shared adventures. It embodies the carefree spirit of youth and the enduring loyalty of our animal companions.

Impact on Art and Society

Seward Johnson’s “Yuck, Go Fetch!” has captured the hearts of art enthusiasts and animal lovers alike. Its universal theme of joy, friendship, and the love between humans and animals resonates with people from all walks of life, fostering a sense of unity and appreciation for life’s simplest joys.

Displayed in public spaces, the sculpture becomes a cherished attraction, drawing people together to share in the delight and charm of the scene. It ignites conversations and facilitates connections, as viewers bond over their shared experiences of the human-animal bond.

“Yuck, Go Fetch!” by Seward Johnson is a heartwarming celebration of the joy and playfulness found in the relationship between humans and their furry companions. Through this enchanting sculpture, Johnson immortalizes the essence of the human-animal bond, reminding us of the genuine happiness that arises from such genuine connections. As “Yuck, Go Fetch!” continues to evoke smiles and warm the hearts of viewers worldwide, it stands as a testament to the enduring power of art in capturing life’s most endearing moments and fostering appreciation for the beauty of companionship with our beloved pets.


Seward Johnson, Yuck, Go Fetch!, ©1990 The Seward Johnson Atelier, Inc.

Seward Johnson was born in New Jersey, and following the auspicious clipping of a newspaper ad for a beginner’s sculpture class, became well-known worldwide for his figurative sculptures. Spurred to strengthen communities through his artwork, Seward built an international community of artists with the Johnson Atelier, which continues to weave his sculpture into the fabric of everyday life through music, dance, poetry, food, and all the things Seward loved.

It’s easy sometimes to forget the simple things that give us pleasure. If we open our eyes, life is marvelous.

– Seward Johnson